
Showing posts with the label google plus status

Funny texts

It's amazing how often I get called smart! Funny though, because it always ends with the word ass! lol! Says, I am not an alcoholic. I am a social drinker. Problem is, I socialize too much! Hoe my God, they is such a slut. they keeps acting like a tramp, I guess they doesn't give a damn.. (its about you, not me bitch) Feels sorry for everyone else because she has the greatest boyfriend in existence and no one else can have him <3 I love you but you don't realise it. So whats the point of holding you if your just pushing me away. Normal people when driving on an icy road freak out and hit the snowbank us crazies...we say "hold on to my beer and watch this" Realized today that loosing your mind is easy, getting it back is the difficult part Shit, I wouldn't touch that motherfucker with a 20ft. pole, unless they took an acidic bath to get that nasty slut's STD infested nastiness off of them. (: "It ...

Amazing FaceBook Status (Humar and Funny)

At night, two blonds are sitting on a bench. One asks the other: "Which is closer? Florida? Or the Moon?" The other answers: "Duh! The moon. Can you see Florida May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human and enough hope to make you happy. today begins my new story book, its my mystery, Idk where it will go or what will happen, but all that matters is I'm the author and i decide what happens.. I know I love you when your in my dream and I wake up happy and wishing I have the same dream the next night,I'll always love you,, though you don't know <3 Give that a try and then come talk to me Don't like what I say? Tough shit, I don't live to blow sunshine up your ass. Man may have invented fire, but women learnt how to play with it!;) Shovels are linked to dead bodies in 2 ways. 1. used for burying people in a cemetery 2. What do you thi...

Humor Status ( Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, myspace, Sitetalk)

I miss the old days when the only thing you could catch was DA cooties,we all ate candy,and the only bad thing we would ever do was stick up the middle finger.. Everyone is either on team Jacob or team Edward! why cant there be a team I Hate Twilight?? If Pigs could fly there wouldn't be any men on the ground. What just went in your mouth? You can't get on my nerves, no matter how hard you try~ 'Cause, I DON'T HAVE ANY LEFT!! When life gives you lemons, put bombs in them and give them to little kids! ;D Sings~Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.