Happy New Year 2012
Happy New Year Picture Ascii Art
Tag: picture to ascii art, image to ascii art, ascii art from image, sms ascii art, image ascii art, ascii sms art, free artwork images, free artwork pictures, image asciiHappy New Year Ascii Picture Art
*•. ˜*•.•*˜ .•*˜♣(¯`·._)❤♥♫♥╣╣╣╠█╣❤░▒▓██ ˜*•. ˜”*°•.˜”*°•.•°*”˜.•° *”˜ .•*˜♣- *˜”*°•~PEACE AND LOVE •°*”˜.❤╠★ .•*˜ .•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”* °•. ˜*•.♣- .•*˜ .•*˜*•. ˜*•.♣(¯`·._)❤♥♫♥╣╣╣╠█╣❤░▒▓██ ★((_,»*¯*★*¯*«,_))★ ....▐▬▌E L L O W ★((_,»*¯*★*¯*«,_))★ (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) ★░▒▓██ ★░▒▓██ ★░▒▓██ ★░▒▓██★ ░▒▓██ ★ ❤((_,»*¯*♥*¯*«,_))❤((_,»*¯*♥*¯*«,_))❤((_,»*¯*♥*¯*«,_))❤ ___▄▀▀─ ▄▀▄ ▄▀▄ █▀▄──█▀▄ ▀▄─▄▀ █▀▀____ ___█─▀▌ █─█ █─█ █─█──█▀█ ──█── █▀▀____ ___▀▀▀─ ─▀─ ─▀─ ▀▀───▀▀─ ──▀── ▀▀▀____ ___──────░▄▀▄░▄▀▀▄░▄█─░▄█───────___ ___───────░▄▀░█▄▀█─░█──░█───────___ ___──────░█▄▄░▀▄▄▀░▄█▄░▄█▄─────_____ ❤((_,»*¯*♥*¯*«,_))❤((_,»*¯*♥*¯*«,_))❤((_,»*¯*♥*¯*«,_))❤ ★░▒▓██ ★░▒▓██ ★░▒▓██ ★░▒▓██★ ░▒▓██ ★ (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) ___*o..*.....................Je passe te souhaiter (l) _*_o....O.* ......*........................................★ ____0.*..o.O......o.......*....Un joyeux temps des fétes (l) _O...o......0*..o*:......*.......................★ _♥$$$$$$$$$♥:..o0:::.O.*....Avec la plus belle des recettes (l) _♥_________♥::*:.....o:....0...............................★ _♥_________♥..o:O*:.0:...*.O.*....Un apéritif de sourire (l) _♥_________♥_♥$$$$$$$$$♥...........★ _♥$$$$$$$$$♥_♥_________♥....Une entreé de joie (l) _♥$$$$$$$$$♥_♥_________♥........................★ __♥$$$$$$$♥__♥$$$$$$$$$♥...Un plat de douceur (l) ___♥$$$$$♥___♥$$$$$$$$$♥..............★ ____♥$$$♥____♥$$$$$$$$$♥...Un fromage de sincérité (l) _____♥$♥______♥$$$$$$$♥............................★ ______♥________♥$$$$$♥......Un dessert de bonté (l) ______♥_________♥$$$♥................★ ______♥__________♥$♥......Un digestif de rire (l) ______♥___________♥...........................★ ______♥___________♥...Le tout accompagné (l) _____♥$♥__________♥.............★ __♥$♥$♥$♥$♥_______♥....Du vin de l'amitié pour te (l) __________________♥.............................★ _________________♥$♥..Souhaiter une bonne fin d'anneé (l) _______________♥$$♥$$♥.........★ (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) ★░▒▓██ ★░▒▓██ ★░▒▓██ ★░▒▓██★ ░▒▓██ ★ ❤((_,»*¯*♥*¯*«,_))❤((_,»*¯*♥*¯*«,_))❤((_,»*¯*♥*¯*«,_))❤ ____█───█ █▀▀ █── ▄▀ ▄▀▄ █▄─▄█ █▀▀____ ____█─█─█ █▀▀ █─▄ █─ █─█ █─█─█ █▀▀____ ____─▀─▀─ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ─▀ ─▀─ ▀───▀ ▀▀▀____ ____──────░▄▀▄ ▄▀▄░▄█─░▄▀▄─────____ ____───────░▄▀ █─█─░█──░▄▀─────____ ____──────░█▄▄ ─▀─░▄█▄░█▄▄─────____ ❤((_,»*¯*♥*¯*«,_))❤((_,»*¯*♥*¯*«,_))❤((_,»*¯*♥*¯*«,_))❤ ★░▒▓██ ★░▒▓██ ★░▒▓██ ★░▒▓██★ ░▒▓██ ★ (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) Avec un coeur remplit d'amitié je passe te souhaiter une bonne fin d'anneé suivi d'une agréable soireé porte toi bien et prend soin de toi gros kissous ton amie virginie(l)
Happy New Year Ascii Art
Happy New Year ascii to picture
>PLZ ADD UR FRIENDS AS RETURN OF DOING ART FOR YA =) THANKS! < (\__/) (^o^)/”) ( (")(") +ask if u want some art, we will try to help ya =) - dont ask HOW U DO IT!!! pls, its against artist if u say tell me how to do it and so on. We are just sharing our art, do u anybody ask from painter or Pablo Picasso HOW U DO IT? Art is much more than using "tools"... => enjoy~ :D
ascii from image Happy New Year 2012
FB Text Art "A group dedicated to ascii text art"
Blog for ascii art, ascii facebook text art, picture of artwork, text art, art text
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