Facebook ASCII symbols (key Alt) and Facebook Text Art.

Facebook ASCII or Facebook Symbols

Symbols or ascii text for facebook can be inserted into your facebook ,chat window, messages, status, comments etc, you can use these types of symbol in the social networking site such as facebook, myspace,twitter,sitetalk,google plus and so many..

= Musical note
= Big musical note
=  heart symbol on facebook
= Smile face
= Black smile face

There are two ways for use this facebook symbols.

1. Copy from here and paste in your facebook name, status or message.
2. These facebook symbols can be typed on your keyboard using the ALT button.

Desktop computer instructions for ALT facebook symbols:

• Press and hold left Alt key on your keyboard.
• While holding Alt key enter one of the codes below to get the corresponding facebook symbol.
• Important note: You need to use numbers on the right side of the keyboard for entering code, not the numbers on top, otherwise they won’t work.

Laptop instructions for ALT facebook symbols:

• Press and hold left Alt key on your keyboard.
• While holding Alt key also press and hold Fn key.
• While holding Alt and Fn key enter one of the codes below to get corresponding facebook symbol.
• Important note: You need to use numbers that are usually written next to letters U, I, O… and in different color, not the numbers on top, otherwise they won’t work.

Alt + 1
Alt + 2
Alt + 3
Alt + 4
Alt + 5
Alt + 6
Alt + 7
Alt + 8
Alt + 9
Alt + 10
Alt + 11
Alt + 12
Alt + 13
Alt + 14
Alt + 15
Alt + 16
Alt + 17
Alt + 18
Alt + 19
Alt + 20
Alt + 21 §
Alt + 22
Alt + 23
Alt + 24
Alt + 25
Alt + 26
Alt + 27
Alt + 28
Alt + 29
Alt + 30
Alt + 31

You can copy and paste these for use in your messages or where you want!!!
Have Fun



Tag: convert ascii to text, ascii converter,image to ascii, image to ascii art,ascii text,ascii to text,ascii symbols, facebook ascii, ascii art for facebook, ascii art facebook,facebook art,ascii text,ascii facebook,image to ascii,picture to ascii,face book smileys


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