Text Art

Facebook Text art

'-. .-'

have unique & strange Friendship
( ';' )
(,) (,)
ME unique

<) ''.'.'' (>
( (oo) )
(,,,) - (,,,)
You so strange

open my
,--. .--. heart
'. ( .' ges wat
" .). " u see?

,- -. i .- -.
'. ( miss ( .'
" .) you ). "

'o' ) ") OnE MinUte

( 'o' ) ") OnE hOuR

( 'o' ) ") OnE DaY

( 'o' ) ") OnE WeEk

( 'o' ) ") OnE mOntH

( 'o' ) ") OnE YeAr

()""*() No MatTeR HoW LoNg,
( 'o' ) I'll tReaSuRe ThE TiMeS
We BeCaMe FreNsz

Text "pictures"

does anyone know any text symbols or pictures such as this one? (\_/) (o.o) (> <) or thiss uzi? ________________ $@$@$@$@$@$@|_ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ _ @@@@@@@@@ $$$$__|_/ $$$$| ���£���£���£���£| ���£���£���£���£| ..|%| ..|%| ..|%| Post anything as comments|:) And also, copy teh bunneh into your about me page and help him take over the world!!!


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