FaceBook Chat Emoticons

FaceBook Chat Emoticons FireFox Add Ons: FB Chat Set Emoticons

facebook chat add ons firefox browser

We found the fastest way to use FaceBook Chat Emoticons that you don’t need to remember each of Shortcut Key symbols of FaceBook Chat Emoticons. By using FaceBook ChatBar FireFox AddOns you can add FB Emoticons without need to type manually its shortcut key. Just click the emoticons that you want and then it’s will automatically appears in your FaceBook Chat.

Remember you need FireFox Browser and also FaceBook Chat Bar FireFox Add Ons.

FaceBook Status Symbol Application

facebook status symbols

If you got the error for Superman, Charlie, Sound System, you need to copy paste each line of the character and the Hold SHIFT Button and Press ENTER (that would make space line break) and then copy paste the line character below of its.


This trick works well in comment or wall but not in home status message. If you want to make it able to Status Message use FaceBook Status Symbol Application

facebook symbols messengeroo text art

The image above is the result from the FaceBook Status Symbol Application, you can also add it manually by copy paste the Symbol from FaceBook Status Symbols Application Editor to your FaceBook Status. Here are the example:

messengeroo facebook status

Note: the Symbols Status Art like above only work in your Wall Profile and Comment (not home feed or home status). Its works properly in Wall of Facebook Groups.

Creating Symbols Art Block Text / Word for FaceBook Status / FaceBook Chat

status symbols fb

Creating Art Block Text Word like above, you can use Feed >> Symbols >> Choose Lines & Geometric and it take few times to create those Art coz its created manually! For Example, if you like to create LOVES text word, then here are the steps that you should do:

╔╗╔═╦╦╦═╣═╣ ◀ Create First Line then,
║╚╣║║║║╩╬═║ ◀ Second Line then,
╚═╩═╩═╩═╩═╝ ◀ Third Line


Text Art in Your FaceBook Profile

Btw, you can also use this text art into your facebook profile!

fb text art profile

Here another text art chained / combined with music symbol:

╔♫═╗╔╗ ♥

You can also make upside down text (further explanation about upsidedown text can be found at the bottom of this article) by click Turn Button and Styled your Text by Clicking Styles.
Superman Text:



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